sreda, 21. april 2010

Journalism and principles of good work

I have to agree with Dean Wright, Reuters Global Editor for Ethics, Innovation and News Standards when he says that the journalist should do their jobs in a way that earns the thrust of our customers and audience. The trust of the audience and the public is essential in the field of journalism, the thrust in journalists, their stories and sources they have. But how do the journalists gain that thrust, what principle should they follow?
They should follow the principles of a good, critical journalism, but mostly they should follow the ethical standards. If I use the Wright’s words, those principles of good journalist work should be honesty, fairness, transparency, freedom from bias, pursuit of a truth, and an aggressive embrace of innovative ways of storytelling and delivery of information.

Here I want you to present the Code of Ethics of Slovene Journalists, which was adopted by the Slovene Association of Journalist in October 2002. There are several points that needed to be mentioned but I will highlight those that I find the most important – the whole Code of Ethics is available here.

“The journalist should respect the individual's right to privacy and avoid sensationalistic and unjustified disclosure to the public of anyone's privacy. Intrusion into an individual's privacy is only permissible if there is an overriding public interest. With public officials and others seeking power, influence and attention the public's right to be informed is greater.”
“Reporting on judicial matters, the journalist should take into consideration that no one is guilty until legally found so.”
“The journalist should be tactful when gathering and reporting information, publishing photographs and transmitting statements on children and minors, those affected by misfortune or family tragedy, the physically or mentally disabled and others having severe handicaps or illnesses.”
“The journalist should avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance and social status.”
“The journalist should verify the accuracy of information gathered and exercise care to avoid mistakes.”
“When publishing information involving serious allegations, the journalist should try to receive a response from those affected.”
“The journalist should identify the source whenever feasible. The public is entitled to know the source if it is to appraise the significance and credibility of information. The journalist may consent to the anonymity of the source if information cannot be otherwise acquired.”
“The journalist should avoid paying for information and be wary of sources expecting money or any special privilege in exchange for information.”
“The journalist should not conceal essential information he/she has gathered or falsify documents.”
“Plagiarism is not permissible.”

These are only some of the principles of journalistic work that should be taken into consideration, but I think that mostly, fairness, accurateness, honesty, reliability, authority and responsibility should be taken into account. Journalist should not forget that they are working for people, for public interest and not for owners, editors or politician interest and goals. He has to distinguish between the information, advertise and promotion material and also commentary. He has to gather information but should in the same time be free from bias, has to have the ability to report both side of the story (2 or more) and to find reliable sources or documents. Journalistic work is not easy, but if you follow some basic principles you will be successful.

you can watch the short video of Dean Wright talking about online journalism ethics.

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